Rooted Classical Christian Homeschool Community

We are a Christian Classical Homeschool Community desiring wisdom, truth, and grace. The lens in which we learn is through a Biblical worldview leading us to love God and people while seeking truth we find in the Bible and relationship with Jesus. We desire to cultivate a life-long love for learning paired with academic excellence. This is done through the classical model which integrates all subjects and leads students through learning phases of grammar (knowledge), dialectic (understanding), and rhetoric (wisdom). We are a community which inspires accountability, encouragement, and the ability to work in our individual gifts.

Common beliefs:

Rooted is a Classical Christian Homeschool Community.
The leadership team of Rooted is committed to creating an environment that supports these common beliefs: The Bible is the inspired and inerrant word of our living God in which we seek truth. It is authoritative on all matters to which it speaks. We believe God created everything, male and female He created them. His creation leads us to wonder, learn and grow. It is a gift from our creator that we too create through the process of learning. We believe in Jesus Christ. His physical death and resurrection proved his divine authority over death - the inevitable consequence of sin. We believe that salvation is by grace through faith alone. As recipients of this undeserved grace, we are also called to be dispensers of this grace to those around us. We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. We live with the “blessed hope” of the coming redemption of a new heaven and new earth. God invites us to be a part of the redemption of human history. This truth leads us to love God and love others.

Classical Christian Education

Classical Christian Education

We use the Christian Classical Model of Education bringing together a style of blended learning that integrates all subjects centered on Christ.
- Teaches children how to learn and eventually to teach themselves.
- It is history intensive, providing students with a comprehensive view of the human endeavor from creation to modern times.
- It trains the mind to analyze and draw conclusions.
- It demands self discipline.
- It produces literate, curious, intelligent students who have a wide range of interests with the ability to follow up on them.
- It is language focused where students learn through written and spoken words.

Classical Education follows a three part pattern: called The Trivium which organizes learning around the maturing capacity of the child’s mind, memorization, logical organization, and clear expression. The mind must be first supplied with facts and images, then given logical tools for organization of those facts and images, and then finally equipped to express a conclusion.

To the classical mind, all knowledge is interrelated. For example, astronomy isn’t studied in isolation, but it is learned along with the history of scientific discovery, which can lead to the church’s relationship to science, experimentation, and hopefully blend in the wonder of star gazing. Good books bring life to the classical model. For example: The Odyssey allows the student to consider Greek history, the nature of heroism, the development of the epic, and humankind’s understanding of the divine.

Integrated learning is easier said than done. The world is full of knowledge, and finding the links between fields of study can be a mind-twisting task. A classical education meets this challenge by using a chronological historical timeline as the backbone for subjects like science, literature, art, music, and more. This allows for a more cohesive study of subjects that are often confusing because they are so fragmented. This model widens and deepens as the student matures and learns.

The first years of homeschooling are called the grammar stage. These are the years in which we lay the building blocks for learning. In the elementary school years the mind is ready to absorb information and find memorization natural and fun. They excel at the memorization of facts like the rules of phonetics, spelling, grammar, poems, the vocabulary of foreign languages, the stories of history and literature, descriptions of plants and animals, the human body, the facts of mathematics, the list goes on.

In the logic stage a child begins to think more analytically and ask “why?”. This is the second phase of the classical education. The child begins to pay attention to cause and effect, to the relationships among different fields of knowledge, and to how facts fit together into a logical framework.

The Rhetoric stage of classical education is where students learn to write and speak with originality. The student of rhetoric applies the rules of logic learned previously through foundational information and expresses their conclusions in articulate language.

Community Overview